Monday, October 13, 2014

Fish Tacos

Fish Tacos

These turned out awesome!!
Preheat oven to 400, flip your cupcake pan over and place tortillas, bake 10 mins
I made a beer batter for the two fish fillets, you can bake the fish if you want. Salt, paper, garlic, and cilantro to taste.
Once fish is done chop it. 
Cilantro sour cream- 1 cup sour cream, 1.5 tbs of fresh cilantro, salt and pepper to taste. And 1 tsp of lime juice. And zest if you an actual lime. ( I used lemon, either will do) 
I chopped up lettuce and tomatoes, shredded some cheese to go with everything 
Now just layer together!! And place sour cream mix on top!! 

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