Friday, May 9, 2014

3 Delicious Ways to Cook Summer Corn

3 Delicious Ways to Cook Summer Corn

Basil, salt and butter wrapped in foil.
Take foil squares and place corn cob in center, and a basil leaf, or a few sprinkles of basil, slice of butter wrap in up and grill! Best flavor ever!

8 minute boil
Put a pot of water on, once brought to boil, add corn. Once corn starts to boil set timer for 8 mins. Promptly drain, and place in dish with butter and salt. I do this often, never over cooked

Soak corn with husks, and GRILL!!
Soak corn husks in all in water, ideally for about 20 mins, I usually do this when I'm prepping dinner.
Add corn to grill. This way steams the corn, tastes amazing!!

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